Pre-Visit Information Form

School Information

External Review Visit Information

ICAA has agreements with two separate accrediting agencies that recognize our standards as equal to or greater than their own. These agreements allow schools to request their ICAA External Review Visit documentation be submitted for dual accreditation consideration. Additional fees apply.

Primary Contact Information

The school should designate one person to be the primary contact with whom the Lead Evaluator communicates prior to the visit.

Dates of External Review Visit

Please indicate your preferred dates for your visit.

  • Visits should be scheduled on a Saturday through Tuesday schedule. (Schools not sponsored by a church will work with the Lead Evaluator to make a final decision on whether the visit starts on Saturday or Sunday.) 
  • Visits should be scheduled when no other activities are happening at the school that would take efforts or focus away from the visit and normal daily routines.
  • Please select dates when all employees and students (unless absent for non-school related reasons) will be on campus. 
  • The earliest a visit may begin is September 15, and the latest a visit should end is April 30.

Statements of Understanding

Please check each box to indicate your school's understanding.